Where have I been?
August 31, 2016
I'm back! Fair warning: This would be a relatively long text post, so best get your reading glasses on.
It’s been a little around 2 months since my last blog
post. I’m sorry about that. It's not that I’ve given up
blogging. When I made this blog, I made a small pact with myself to always
post something at least every other week – no matter how random or adventurous
it would be. I wanted it to be my goal to just keep writing, find things that
would make my day-to-day more interesting, keep my “creative spirit” fueled. Two
months in and I already failed. Yeesh.
If you know me, you’d
know that I rarely go out of the house. If I’m not at the university, there’s a
99% chance I’m curled up in a hole at home. I’ll spend half of the day sitting
in front of my desk, either going through the rest of my university stuff or
browsing the net, and the other half I’ll be switching between eating, sleeping, and
binge watching YouTube videos, anime, and Korean dramas (Be warned: it’s very addicting).
I know what you’re thinking.
This fine specimen must be the pinnacle of a 21st century lady.
When they look back at history books centuries from now, you
would see that exact same image – a 20 year old woman in her natural habitat. Sitting
in front of a desk with mountains of paper on the floor, hands on her keyboard,
black-framed glasses sitting on her nose, hair on a messy bun, one foot up on the
chair and the other just dangling down, all whilst drinking her sparkling water and eating the finest
grapes and Doritos cheese the land has to offer.
But that’s not what this blog post is about. Where have I been these past 2 months?
Well, if you must know, I finally went on that Japan trip
I’d always wanted to go to. I can’t believe Kyoto looks ten times better than
what I’d seen in anime! Seriously, if you had the time to, you have to see the -- is what I’d want to say.
I didn’t go to Japan. I didn't even do anything remotely adventurous. I mean, I want to, but I don’t have
the means yet. These past few months I’ve been studying my brains off
like I’d normally would. Go ahead and throw all those Asian stereotypes at me.
Why-you-no-doctor-yet?! (for those who don't get it. It's a Family Guy reference).
I know it’s an underrated opinion, but I really like
studying. To think that after almost 15 years of waking up at 7 am, eating
my breakfast, brushing my teeth, and going to school every day, it’s literally pretty
much all I’ve ever known, and
now, I have to say goodbye to it. I mean, I could go to post-graduate school to
continue my studies, but it wouldn’t be the same. It feels like a part of my
childhood innocence will graduate with me as I march through graduation.
Oh. If you’re lost in all these gibberish I’m talking about,
this term is supposed to be my last term at Uni. I’ve been
studying Accountancy for 4 years and now, I’ve finally reached
the end of the line. I’ve been wanting to graduate for so long, but now that I
think about it, it’s kind of scary that I’m finally “here”.
Well, that’s something for another time. For now, we’ll talk
about what I did for two months (other than studying. No one wants to hear about
For one, I won an Instax Mini at a raffle/contest my previous
organization held! I’ve been contemplating on getting one of my own
Polaroid-like cameras before but I never really had the chance to. I’ve always
been on the fence about it. The actual unit itself isn’t that expensive but the
films are. So my biggest dilemma was whether it would be more practical (and economical)
for me to just have photos printed at photo stations. Anyway. I wouldn’t make
any reviews on it because I’m sure there’s a ton floating around the internet
already – plus the product’s been around for quite some time –, but for now, I’m
just really happy I won it! I don’t know why but I’ve always had luck with
these kinds of things. Maybe I should try betting on the lottery soon.
I haven’t used any of the films yet, other than that one
picture I took of my parents as a test shot. I’m thinking of starting a scrapbook and fill it
with photos I take with my
Instax when I travel or do something worth “remembering” in the future. I just love
going through those old-school photo albums that I rarely see nowadays. Plus, I
could imagine it would feel very nostalgic when I reminisce my old memories. I have
so many ideas on what I could do with it. It’s so exciting! Anyway, I’ll keep you
posted about that.
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I do not own this photo; credit belongs to the owner (so please don't sue me). I wish I did own it though. That would mean I was part of the crowd and I got to see them live. *sigh* |
I’ve heard of this Japanese band a little over 3 years ago. Well,
not of them, but I’ve heard one of
their songs on a credit scene of Ruroni Kenshin (can’t remember if it’s the
first or second) and I remember thinking:
“It’s in English? The band must be foreign”. Not that I have anything against Japanese bands singing in English.
I waited inside the theater a bit longer because I was really into the song and I was trying to
catch some verses to google later on. Then a Japanese verse started to kick in
and I was like “wha--- they’re Japanese?!”.
So I started googling them up, looked up some of their MVs on YouTube, but that
was the end of it. I rarely like songs that I can’t understand (literally can’t
because it’s in Japanese), so the only song I remember of them was that one
song that played on the credits. When I sing it in the shower, I only sing the few English
verses, then I’ll be belting out some random Japanese words in the next verses.
Part of why I initially liked them is because I really like alternative, pop
rock music (not sure if that’s the right term); the side of “rock” spectrum that
doesn’t have too much of those loud screams most heavy rock songs have and yet
still have those intense drum/guitar instrumentals you could sing to – kind of
like the early Fall Out Boy albums.
Fast forward to 2016 and I had this weird urge to look back
at that song for no reason while I was waiting for my night class to start. I
had my earphones out then one of my friends noticed the familiar video on my
phone screen. She started getting all excited, talked to me about them, asking
me what my favorite song was and how she finds singer the cute, and I was just sitting there, taking in all these alien-fangirl-excitement
directed towards me.
A little backstory: I’ve never liked a band/group so much to
the point that I’d actually “fan girl” over them. So to me, who was just a
casual listener, it really shocked me at first and I was kind of lost since I
didn’t know how to reciprocate her “feelings” in a way.
Then she started to
mellow down (probably hinting at my overwhelmed reaction), then asked me if I
watched their Yokohama concert. Naturally, I said no. Then she showed me their
“A Thousand Miles” cover, and I just fell in love. For one, because they’re
Japanese and they were covering and English song, live, with almost 90% correct
pronunciation. For another, because the drummer (who had green highlights and
mid length hair) was playing the xylophone, the bassist (who had tattoos all
over his torso) was playing the keyboard, the guitarist (who seems to be the
most mellow of the four) just immersed in his strumming, and the singer just
singing his heart out with his eyes closed and drawing everyone in. It was just stripped
down, acoustic, heartfelt music. And it just felt so genuine.
Knowing that they’re a band to normally sing upbeat, rock songs, with light screamos and guitar solos, they had this
versatility that peaked my curiosity and made me want to watch the whole concert. And I did that night
too. It was a 2 hour video and I sat through it, even though I had an exam the
next day. I had no idea what the singer was screaming about 99% of the time,
but I liked how they sounded so much better live than they do in recordings. Plus,
you’ll be pretty amazed when you see the singer, bassist, and guitarist
jumping all over the stage like ticks on the back of a dog for 2 hours (probably
more since the video has cuts in it), all while performing as if it was nothing. Now
I’m fangirling. Jeez.
So anyway, in case you’re curious about what concert I’m
talking about, the video’s up on YouTube (something along the lines of ONE OK
ROCK-Yokohama Stadium-Mighty Long Fall would hit something up). They’re a
pretty old band now since they started way back in 2005 (I think) and they’re
really big in Japan too. This brings me to my next topic.
Like I said, I rarely like songs I couldn’t understand.
Maybe that’s why I was never really into K-Pop when the “wave” started back in
2010. But I feel like this band’s
different. So if I can’t beat them, then I’ll join them, right?! What better
way to understand what they’re singing about than actually learning the
language? Plus, watching anime without subtitles is an added bonus.
But Jaclyn, isn’t learning Japanese hard? It’s not like you could binge watch 100 Episodes of Naruto and instantly become fluent, ya’ know?
I know. Or rather. わかった [Wakatta]. Years of watching anime will finally pay off.
It’d probably take me 2 years
minimum to be able to speak and listen to Japanese fluently, another few years
before I could write Japanese on a middle schooler’s level, and so on. I may
stop liking the band even after then, and they’re entering the international
scene by composing English songs now too, so it might make more sense to just
listen to their new albums. But I thought it would be a great if I could learn
a new language. With learning anything, I should start with whatever peaks my
interest, right? So I’ll start learning Japanese, listen to some audio books, watch
some anime to practice (aaand just
because I like it), etc. We’ll see if I’m having progress in the next few
• • •
And that’s about it. Two months of my life revolved around the
fact that I won an Instax camera and got strangely addicted to ONE OK ROCK.
Well, that and I’ve been fighting the urge to just cry over all the exams
lining up one after another. Now that the finals exams are over and I’m just
waiting for my graduation (I’ll definitely post something about that in the
future), I’ll be crying over my impending board exam next year. *Cries in a corner*.
Talk to you next time!
Long but it was a good read, honey! Stereotypes are dead to me! I used to label people so much until I was placed in a group of people I would have never considered to be my 'type' of people. I've come to realize we are all unique and the similar at the same time and it's beautiful. All your accomplishments sound amazing--congratulations!! Wishing you the best on your endeavors.
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