
✓Travel to Singapore

May 21, 2016

I’ve never traveled [internationally] before, so this is my first time. Needless to say, I reaAaAaAlly enjoyed myself there. Singapore is just a small island on South East Asia, famous for being a sea port (among other things), but one that is full of culture and wonderful people. My dad used to tell me you could go through all the sights in a few day if you really tried to. Now that I’ve been there, I could see why he said that. But let’s be honest here. I don’t have the energy (nor the funds) to squeeze all of that in a few days. Perhaps in another time when I’ve saved up more than I could spend. Even so, this trip has given me an opportunity to check cross off a lot of things in my Bucket List.

I’ll be posting more about Singapore these coming weeks so stay tuned in for that!

Talk to you next time!
PS: Yup. I’ve been mistaken for a 14 year-old quite a lot around Singapore. And get this, it didn’t happen just once too!

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